Configuring Remote Debugging

In the Configure remote debugging Control Panel page, you can choose whether to allow new remote debugging attach connections to this computer and configure remote connections when allowed. You can also see a list of the Microsoft remote tools installed on the system.

NOTE: The RTX64 Remote Debugger is an optional Runtime feature. These settings will only appear in the Control Panel when the RTX64 Remote Debugger feature is installed.

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Opening this Page in RTX64 Control Panel

To open this page in the Control Panel:

  1. In the Start menu, navigate to RTX64 4.5 Runtime and click RTX64 Control Panel.
  2. Click Configure the RTSS Subsystem > Configure Remote Debugging.

Allowing New Remote Debugging Attach Connections

By default, new remote debugging attach connections are not allowed. To allow them, select the Allow new remote debugging attach connections to this computer check box. The Control Panel displays one of the following statuses based on the selection state of this check box:

Status Meaning
Not active The Allow new remote debugging attach connections to this computer check box is not selected. This is the default behavior.
Listening on <IP:Port number>

The Subsystem is listening for new remote debugging attached connections to this computer.

NOTE: The IP address and port number cannot be changed when listening for new remote debugging attached connections.

Not listening. Please specify another IP address for new remote debug attach connections. The Subsystem is not listening for new remote debugging attached connections to this computer because the previously specified IP address is no longer available. Please specify a new IP address.

NOTE: Clearing selection of the Allow new remote debugging attach connections to this computer check box does not terminate active remote debugger attach sessions. It only prohibits future remote debug attach connections to the computer.

Configuring the Remote Attach Connection

When the Allow new remote debugging attach connections to this computer check box is selected, you can set the IP address and port number for new remote debugging attach connections.

To configure the remote attach connection:

  1. Set the IP address. You can accept the default or specify a new address. The drop-down menu displays the active IP addresses already in use. This value cannot be changed when the Subsystem is listening for new remote debugging attached connections.
  2. Set the port number. You can accept the default of 31094 or specify a new port number. This value must be between 1 and 65534. The Control Panel automatically validates this number against the specified IP address. This value cannot be changed when the Subsystem is listening for new remote debugging attached connections.
  3. If either the IP address or port number was changed, click Apply to save the new values.

Microsoft Remote Tools on the System

RTX64 Control Panel automatically detects whether the supported Visual Studio remote tools are configured for remote launch and attach and displays the status under Microsoft remote tools on the system.

Version Status
Lists the supported Visual Studio remote tools versions. RTX64 supports remote launch and attach using remote tools for Visual Studio 2022, 2019, 2017, and 2015.

Displays whether RTX64 remote launch and attach debug support is configured for each version of Visual Studio remote tools.

  • Not Installed indicates that the version of Visual Studio remote tools is not installed. View the Microsoft documentation to determine the version of Visual Studio remote tools that you need:

  • Configured indicates that the version of Visual Studio remote tools is ready for remote debugging via launch and attach. You must now manually start the corresponding version of MSVSMON. For additional information see RTX64RemoteConfig in the Help.
  • Not configured indicates that the version of Visual Studio remote tools is not ready for remote debugging. Further setup is required. Click Configure to set up remote tools for use with RTX64 through the RTX64RemoteConfig command line utility.